Keeper Edward A. Brooks: Pages from the Past

Transcript of a talk given by Edward Aubry Brooks to a First Baptist Church men's class about 1940, in the Everett, Washington area, about his life work, almost 40 years, as a Lighthouse Keeper. First stationed at Cape Meares Lighthouse, Oregon; then transferred to Turn Point Lighthouse, then to Point-No-Point Light Station and then to New Dungeness Lighthoues. He spent his last 12 years at Mukilteo Light Station before retiring.

The Socialite Keeper

Emily Fish and her niece Juliet, from all evidence in their backgrounds, were unlikely candidates to join the ranks of the women who tended the lights. Having the advantage of education and social position, why did they become involved in work so lonely and foreign to their backgrounds?

Harry Weeks - The Keeper's Son

It was plain to see the years were heavy upon him. More and more often he rested in the big reclining chair before the television. Always watching it...well, not really. Many times a wistful expression crossed his face, but with eyes closing, this disappeared and a look of pure enjoyment took over. One could see that although present in body, his mind and vision were far away. Where did he go? "Tell me about it," I asked, and he did.

Ken Smith

Ken Smith

If you ask Ken Smith how he got interested in lighthouses he will tell you, "I met a girl!" One of his first dates with wife Dede was a climb of the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse. He got hooked (on lighthouses and the girl). Ken currently serves as president of the Florida Lighthouse Association (FLA), which is dedicated to the preservation, restoration and protection of Florida's 30 remaining historic lighthouses. Through fundraising and two grant programs FLA helps support bricks and mortar restoration, promotion and educational programs undertaken by the various local preservation groups in Florida. He is currently working on editing an update of the late Tom Taylor's book, "Florida Lighthouse Trail" for Pineapple Press. Ken is fourth generation born in Florida with family members in the...
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William F. Merlin

Rear Admiral William F. Merlin USCG (RET)

Admiral Merlin is a native of Tampa, Florida, where he now resides after completing a thirty-four year career in the U.S. Coast Guard. During Admiral Merlin's Coast Guard career, he was assigned on Coast Guard Cutters in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Caribbean, and served in several shore engineering and RDT&E billets before serving as the Twelfth District Chief of Operations and Chief of Staff in San Francisco. Assignments at Coast Guard Headquarters as Comptroller (Chief Finance Officer) and Chief of Command, Communications and Control preceded his final assignment on active duty as Commander, Eighth Coast Guard District, New Orleans. Following active duty, Bill established the Gulf Region of Marine Spill Response Corporation, the largest oil spill response organization in the nation...
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